Discovery. Rediscovery.

It’s been a while since I’ve written, and so much has happened in the past few years.  So much change, emotion, hurt, loss, discovery, adventure, sorrow, happiness, pain.  LIFE truly goes on though we often wish we could just play, pause, stop, or rewind our lives like a music playlist.226

It’s not quite as simple as that. Or, is it? Everything we feel and experience makes us who we are, and the playlist of our lives can be easily accessed. And, we should do precisely that when we need release, warmth, hope, guidance, insight, and especially a look back at how much we’ve endured and grown.  Thanks to, and in spite of it all, we are still here.

So, from time to time, I’ll share my feelings and adventures. I’ll talk about where I’ve been and where I plan to go, and what I will do when I get there.  I don’t necessarily mean travel, but about living, generally. Of course, anything goes.

Most importantly, it’s important for us to recognize that LIVING and experiencing LIFE means having a VISION. And, with every vision comes an opportunity for change, since our vision will evolve over time because life is not static. It moves, and twists, and turns constantly.  We just need to learn to let go and allow ourselves to naturally follow its ebb and flow, always mindful of those factors over which we have no control.

Just remember to learn and breathe along the way.

But isn’t that the glorious thing about a JOURNEY?

It’s not the destination, but the stops along the way that make this JOURNEY called LIFE truly worthwhile!

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